Money-Saving Things Homeowners Do Once A Year

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Homeownership is full of surprises. One of the biggest surprises we discovered when we bought our first home two years ago was the long list of money saving things homeowners do once a year.

The list is pretty simple, but it’s full of items that are very important to the up-keep of your home and your monthly home budget.

This list of 40 money saving things homeowners do at least once a year is essential for first time homeowners, and those who've owned their home for years.

Money Saving Things Homeowners Do Once A Year

  1. Drain your hot water heater.
  2. Clean your dryer vent duct.
  3. Make (or create) a home inventory. This is important for homeowner’s insurance.
  4. Review your homeowner’s insurance policy.
  5. Research a better deal on your homeowner’s insurance policy. You don’t need to change it every year, but at least know if better prices, or better packages, is available to you.
  6. Get your roof inspected. You can do this yourself, or hire it out.
  7. Clean your gutters.
  8. Get your foundation checked.
  9. Check for water damage around sinks, water fixtures, under windows, and any bubbling under the paint on your walls.
  10. Check windows for gaps, and caulk if necessary.
  11. Clean your garage. We tackle this big chore over a matter of 4 weeks. Check out our Facebook Live videos to see our progress from last fall.
  12. Check trees and landscaping to make sure they aren’t causing issues with foundation, or are in jeopardy of fall onto your home.
  13. Check the outside of the house for rot or structural damage.
  14. Power wash your house. PLEASE DO THIS. This is something many homeowners forget to do, and it can eventually affect the re-sale of your home. Wash your house, friend.
  15. Wash your patio, if you have one.
  16. Empty and re-stock your pantry. The spring and fall are perfect times to do this, as these changes in season are reflected in what we eat over the 6 months afterward.
  17. Have your furnace inspected.
  18. Change your furnace filters.
  19. Change your air filters.
  20. Clean your chimney, if you have one.
  21. Check driveway and pavement for cracks.
  22. Check (or create) your disaster preparedness kit. Every home should have one, no matter where you live.
  23. Seal tile grout. This should actually be done twice a year.
  24. Inspect your fire extinguishers.
  25. Clean your carpets, if you have them.
  26. Wash your windows. This should actually be done every fall and every spring.
  27. Clean your junk drawer. There’s a genius way to clean your junk drawer, and you should do it at least once a year.
  28. Book an exterminator. Yes, you want to have an exterminator check out your home once a year, to make sure there aren’t any bugs planning to wreck havoc on your home.
  29. Clean your air duct, and/or have them inspected.
  30. Inspect air conditioner or central air system.
  31. Clean your dishwasher. If you don’t have time to clean the whole dishwasher, at least clean out the food trap.
  32. Inspect and replace extension cords. If they look sketchy, get new ones.
  33. Inspect screws and hinges. This is a great job for older kids to tackle once a year.
  34. Salt your water softener.
  35. Check your home savings account. You should have 1% of your home value saved at all times, for home maintenance projects and emergencies.
  36. Clean your basement. Give it a good sweep, and clear out any items you no longer need.
  37. Clean your closets. Yes, purging clothes and organizing items is great, but closets need a good cleaning at least once a year to get rid of dust and stale air. We clean our closets in the fall and clean them in the spring.
  38. Get your sump pump inspected.
  39. Check your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. This is something you should do every spring and fall, during the daylight savings change. Change out the batteries, as well.
  40. Take a photo of your home! You’re a homeowner, and that’s a big deal. Take a photo of your property every year, and keep the photos in a special online folder so you can see how much your home has changed over the years.

This list of 40 money saving things homeowners do at least once a year is essential for first time homeowners, and those who've owned their home for years.

{Related: How To Focus On Homemaking All Year}

We have gradually incorporated these items into your homemaking routine and homeownership requirements, and it’s made us better homeowners. Owning a home is a big responsibility, but as long as you’re on top of the items on this list, you’ll set yourself up for success.

Do you have anything to add to our list of money saving things homeowners do once a year? Comment your additions below!

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

Plan Your Year Now!


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  1. 10.3.18

    So they don’t redecorate their living room every three months? I should take that off my list… 🙂
    Love this post. Super smart. Sent it along to Bill as a conversation starter.

    • 10.8.18
      Amiyrah said:

      Hahahaha! I mean, you can keep that on your list, as long as it doesn’t drive you insane. Wait…

  2. 10.3.18

    Thank you for these tips, having a home is such a new and sometimes scary thing, thank you for helping ease these troubles 😉