ALDI isn’t exactly new to the planner scene. They have released their Pembroke line of planners for years, but this ALDI parent planner is on another level.
So much so, we had to FILL this post with photos of this ALDI parent planner. I mean, we just had to!
Listen. I happen to be a planner addict (check out the hashtag on Instagram), so I tend to be very critical of planners. This planner calls itself a parent planner, and goodness does it cover all the bases.
I can’t express how impressed I was with it, while I turned the pages in my local ALDI store.

You can find these planners in the ALDI special buys aisle, AKA the aisle of shame. I actually found the parent planner (with 2 different covers), a baby planner, wedding planner, and wellness planner. Pretty cool.
ALDI Parent Planner Photos
The first thing I loved, besides the 7.99 price tag, was the planners had no dates. If you find these, buy them up and save them for presents throughout the year. Or, use it whenever you want.
Let’s take a look inside, shall we?
The fire evacuation plan page is genius. The emergency meeting places section is essential for families, and is super helpful if the teens in the home are babysitting the smaller kids.
There’s a monthly budget page!
We love that they embrace making a basic budget, and this is a monthly page in the parent planner. The chore chart is cool too, especially since chores may change throughout the year.
Children’s Friends Information
If your kids are like mine, this isn’t enough space to list all of their friends, and their friends’ information. Ha! But, I do appreciate having a page like this, to remind us to get essential information about the people they spend time with outside of our home.
Home Maintenance and Auto Maintenance Pages
This is a great section of the planner, since these are items that can easily be lost in the day-to-day parenting mix. Plus, these are items that may cause a change in the budget, so having of list of item to do makes it easier to budget for them.
The Savings Section is Killer
There is a page dedicated to tracking savings. Would we expect anything different from an ALDI planner? There is a savings planner page, which also has a goals section at the bottom.
Stickers, Pouches, and Pockets
Remember how I said this planner has no dates? Well, Pembrook made sure to give us monthly stickers, so we can add them to our planners on our own.
I suspect if you don’t see this planner in your stores anymore, we’ll see them again towards the end of summer. Since they don’t have dates, ALDI will be able to put them out for purchase multiple times a year.
Then, they give us these amazing pouch and pocket pages (say that 3 times fast)! This is perfect for holding permission slips, bills, and all other paper items we need to keep track of and handle.
How do I order the Parent Planner NOW.
It’s only available in ALDI stores.
I want this!!! I almost bought it