8 Financial Habits Of A Smart Woman
Learn and commit to following the ways of these financial habits of a smart woman, and set yourself up for success that can last a lifetime. Success doesn’t have to be valued by the check you bring home, but smart women know how to manage their finances well.
Whether you are successful in a career, being a stay at home more, or in another form, you can create financial habits that make you a smart woman for managing your money for your family and self. These are tips from readers of our site, and from our social media channels.
Reader Jessica from Ohio shared this tip. Instead of just saving money, she takes her money and invests for a bigger payoff in the end. You do have to be wise with how you invest. What she recommends is spending 50% of your paycheck on needs, 25-30% on wants/savings, and then around 20-25% investing towards something. You can invest in a new home, stocks, etc.
Emergency Fund
Life will happen from time to time, and with that comes the need for an emergency fund. Create an emergency fund that can cover any upfront costs you may have to buy a new fridge, washer, etc. It is also good to have the right amount of money saved back in case you were to lose your job or have a financial burden. Trying to keep six months worth of money saved is ideal.
{Related: How To Save $100 in 30 days}
It is never too early to plan for retirement, and any successful woman knows that. Reader Lynette from New York says she works hard towards setting up a 401K “that will protect and take care” of her and any family when she retires. If you are maxing out your 401K, then move on to IRAs that can help you for your future.
Aware of Budget
This is my biggest tip. In our family, we create a budget that works, and no matter what we stick with it. Just because we might have funds to buy that expensive purse or go on a trip, doesn’t mean I will. Knowing the right steps to take when it comes to spending money is critical. When we had debt, we were continually working to pay it off, and now we focus on staying out of debt.
Self Discipline
Being financially smart takes a lot of self-discipline. Tasha from Georgia says she doesn’t impulse buy just because she wants it. She does say it takes time and self-discipline to think about purchasing an item or not to buy. Knowing that money or things don’t create happiness helps in making the right choices when it comes to saving, spending, and budgeting.
Invest In Career
If you are in a career where you are forever learning and growing, it is always worth investing. Smart women spend money on learning and building in their niche, so they can give the best to their company or work. This includes taking classes, going back to school to further education, etc.
Goal Setting
Creating short term and long term goals to work towards when it comes to finances is a great thing to be aware of. Setting goals to get rid of any past debt, save up for a new home or vehicle, sticking to a budget, etc.
I make a point of creating quarterly goals, and those goals includes ones specifically made for finances. The home goals Creating a couple of short-term goals and long-term goals is something that savvy women tend to do.
Live Within Means
Financially savvy women don’t live above their means, and they work with what they have coming in and going out. Whether it is a pen and paper system or using an app like Every Dollar on your phone, they keep track of all the money being spent.
Financially successful women take control of their finances and make the right decisions for their future. Anyone can follow these financial habits; it takes determination and time.
Do you have any financial habits you use to stay on target with your goals? Please share with us below!