Kindle and Chromecast Giveaway!

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Happy Holidays! This Kindle and Chromecast giveaway is sure to get you ready for the season of good shows and great books.

Photo of a kindle fire 7 an google chromecast on a grey carpet

A Kindle and Chromecast Giveaway Bundle!

description of the giveaway

Photo of a kindle fire 7 on a grey carpet

This Kindle Fire is Perfect For The Reader On Your List!

First in our giveaway bundle is the Kindle Fire 7.

It has 8GB and includes Alexa. It has a front and back camera, and you’re able to add more storage, if you’d like.

There’s also up to 7 hours of reading, browsing the web, watching video, and listening to music!

Photo of a google chromecast on a grey carpet

Google Chromecast with Google TV

This is a cool giveaway item! This Google Chromecast supports just about any streaming service you can think of.

We use ours to stream HBO Max, Prime Video, Disney+, Netflix, and listen to Spotify.

Whether you’re a movie, TV show or music family, this is the best gift for you (or a family you want to give it to).

How To Enter The Kindle/Chromecast Giveaway

Giveaway rules are pretty simple. Comment below with your favorite book or TV series from this year!

BONUS ENTRY: If you follow me on Instagram, make a separate comment with your Instagram username!

We’re building our community over there, and I’d love to give you a free entry, just for being part of our crew!

Want to follow me on Instagram? Click here!

Being a follower is totally optional, by the way.

This giveaway ends Thursday, November 12th! Enter below!

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

Plan Your Year Now!


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  1. 11.6.20

    I have not been reading as much as I should be. I also do not watch much television. My favorite television show is not new but I love This Is Us!

  2. 11.6.20

    I am already following you on Instagram: @ginaslibrary

  3. 11.6.20
    Cassandra Berry said:

    My IG name

  4. 11.6.20
    Cassandra Berry said:

    Craig Ross Jr. Monogamy on UMC streaming.

  5. 11.6.20
    Katy said:

    One of my favorite reads this year was actually Jessica Simpson’s memoir Open Book. Lots of fun boy band era nostalgia, but also a ton I didn’t know about her and her life.

  6. 11.6.20
    Katy said:

    I follow you on Instagram. Coffee songs always make me smile! I’m @findinghomeblog over there.

  7. 11.6.20

    I follow you on Instagram. @simpleinthectry

  8. 11.6.20

    My favorite book this year has been Total Money Makeover. Definitely life changing if you let it be.

  9. 11.6.20
    Michelene said:

    This is Us is my favorite TV series. Book wise, I’ve read many books this year and can’t really think of one which I would say is my favorite, but a memorable one is Women Who Run with Wolves.

  10. 11.6.20

    I loved the last season of Hulu’s Harlots, the first season of the Mandalorian, Watchman, and the newest Great British Baking Show. As for books, I spent time re-reading Howard Zinn’s “A people’s history of the United States,” Michelle Obama’s “Beginnings,” Harper Lee’s “Go set a watchman,” and Nadine Gordimer’s “The pickup.” I also devoured my late father’s “Spawn” comic collection. By the way, thank you for this giveaway. I hope you are well! 🙂

  11. 11.6.20
    Lisa said:

    I have way too many books I love to pinpoint one. And don’t watch TV but the last show I was watching and loved was This Is Us.

  12. 11.6.20
    Lisa said:

    my IG name is lfoster_jones

  13. 11.6.20
    Susan Buttress said:

    It’s not new I don’t watch tv much but I love to watch Law & Order! I’ve ready Glennon Doyle and Gabby Bernstein plus Ree’s new cookbook.

  14. 11.6.20
    Susan Buttress said:

    Ig: Susans_6pack

  15. 11.7.20

    How fun! My favorite books that I’ve read this year were both fiction series -one of the ways I’ve been connecting with my sisters/friends through quarantine was by doing a zoom/Instagram book club! The Dance Of Thieves series by Mary Pearson was a very fun, Robin hood-meets-Merlin style fiction. I also loved the Renegades series by Marissa Meyers -it was like reading a Marvel Movie!

  16. 11.7.20

    Also, my Instagram! @kiki11burgess 🙂

  17. 11.7.20
    KV said:

    My favorite TV series was Watchmen.

  18. 11.7.20
    KV said:

    I follow you @mdiva00.

  19. 11.7.20
    Cathrin said:

    The One and Only Bob. The One and Only Ivan. Both have been favorites this year. We’ve also been reading through the Harry Potter series.

  20. 11.8.20
    Lynn said:

    My IG name is @lynnawiltse

  21. 11.8.20
    Lynn said:

    So far my favorite show I’ve been watching is Hart of Dixie on Netflix. Love being able to find old favorites to stream or being able to catch up on missed episodes thanks to the different screening platforms too!

  22. 11.9.20
    Tiffany Coley said:

    My favorite book of this year has been “I’ll Be Gone in the Dark”. I love the true crime genre and I’ve been immersed in this story on many media sources.

  23. 11.9.20
    Tiffany Coley said:

    I already follow you on IG. My account is @iintend2.

    A TV series that I’ve loved this year is “The Queen’s Gambit” on Netflix. It was so good; I gobbled it up in a few days and I was honestly sad when it ended.

  24. 11.9.20
    Carolsue said:

    My daugher and I are hooked on the Netflix series Lucifer. Again, not new, but it is new to me!

  25. 11.9.20
    Carolsue said:

    I follow you on Instagam as @Cezovski9

  26. 11.9.20
    Krista said:

    Favorite book I read this year: Goose Girl by Shannon Hale