Heartfelt Trolls World Tour Quotes

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Trolls World Tour is here, and we collected all the heartfelt Trolls World Tour quotes! We just finished watching it as a family and it was so fun! Here are the quotes we loved from the film.

Did you watch Trolls World Tour yet? Here's a post of the most heartfelt Trolls World Tour quotes that will make you laugh, feel and think.

Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick are back reprising their roles as Branch and Poppy in this Trolls sequel, and we couldn’t be happier.

Their songs in this film will get you moving and give you all the feels. Plus, dare I say it, their quotes will get you thinking about the importance of celebrating life’s differences.

This post shares our family’s favorite heartfelt Trolls World Tour quotes that make you laugh, make you feel, and make you think.

If you haven’t watched Trolls World Tour yet, some of these might be small spoilers, so be sure to download it right now from Amazon Prime video!

Trolls Quotes That Make You Laugh

There is no “I quit” in “team”. – Poppy

You see, we love music with a hummable hook, with an upbeat melody, with a catchy rhythm that makes you want to snap your fingers, tap your toes, and wiggle your butt. That’s our music. That’s what makes us Pop Trolls. – King Peppy

Oh, they must not know that music’s supposed to make you happy. That’s awful. – Poppy talking about Country music.

I feel bad for them. It looks like they got beat up by a rainbow. – Delta Dawn talking about Poppy, Branch and Biggie.

Cappuccino? Cappucci-yes! – Poppy

Smooth jazz will be heard again! Smooth jazz will never die! – Chaz, the Smooth Jazz Troll

That was awful. So smooth and easy, and awful! – Biggie, talking about smooth Jazz

I raised Poppy to be strong and self-confident. I was a genius! – King Peppy

Did you watch Trolls World Tour yet? Here's a post of the most heartfelt Trolls World Tour quotes that will make you laugh, feel and think.

Quotes About Friendship

Friendship takes time and years of mutual care and respect. You don’t just become best friends. – Queen Barb

So, why do I care about you more than anybody else in the world? Weird, right? – Branch talking to Poppy

We are friends. And sometimes that means speaking up if I think you’re making a mistake. – Branch

Did you watch Trolls World Tour yet? Here's a post of the most heartfelt Trolls World Tour quotes that will make you laugh, feel and think.
photo courtesy of Dreamworks

Queen Poppy’s Heartfelt Quotes

Poppy ends up learning lots of lessons through this 85 minute movie, mostly pertaining to being a queen that makes a difference. Here are some of her best quotes from the sequel.

A good queen listens. – Poppy

Being a good queen is the most important thing in the world to me. Other than being your friend. – Poppy to Branch

Look, being queen means having a lot of power, and it’s my job to use it for good. I can’t stay home when I know there’s a world full of different Trolls out there just like us. – Poppy

As your queen, I promise that I will protect you, no matter what. I pinky promise. – Poppy

I was so desperate to be a good queen that I stopped listening to anyone but myself. Including my best friend. – Poppy

Did you watch Trolls World Tour yet? Here's a post of the most heartfelt Trolls World Tour quotes that will make you laugh, feel and think.

Trolls Quotes Celebrating Our Differences

Denying our differences is denying the truth of who we are. – King Quincy

You want to be a good queen? Good queens actually listen. You know what I heard back there? Differences do matter. – Branch

Why does Barb get to choose what music should be saved? All music should be saved. – Branch

You don’t have to be just one thing. I’m Pop and Funk. – Cooper

Real harmony takes lots of voices. Different voices. – Poppy

If everyone looks and acts the same, how will anyone know we’re cool? – Riff, the Rock troll

In the beginning, we were divided. Our ancestors thought we were just too different to get along. It turns out they were wrong. Very, very wrong. – Poppy

Did you watch Trolls World Tour yet? Here's a post of the most heartfelt Trolls World Tour quotes that will make you laugh, feel and think.
photo courtesy of Dreamworks

Quotes with a Real Message

OK, there were a few quotes in Trolls World Tour that really struck a chord with me, and even the kids wanted to have discussions after hearing them in the film. These are the quotes that caused our collective family to think deep.

Scrapbooks? Those are cut out, glued and glittered by the winners. Let me tell you how it really went down. – Prince D, the Hip Hop troll

Pop tried to destroy our music. – Queen Essence, funk troll

I’m not going to let you do this to anyone else! A world where everyone looks the same and sounds the same? That’s not harmony! – Poppy talking to Queen Barb

You have to be able to listen to other voices, even when they don’t agree with you. They make us stronger, more creative, more inspired. – Poppy

Weapons? Ugh. For shame. Violence never solves a problem, Branch. – Poppy

I’m so glad you didn’t listen to me. You weren’t naive about this world. You were brave enough to believe things can change. Braver than me. – King Peppy

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The One Trolls World Tour Quote That Sums It Up

This film was full of lessons, but Queen Poppy wraps it up beautifully with this message.

You have to be able to listen to other voices, even when they don’t agree with you. They make us stronger, more creative, more inspired.

So whether your song is sad and heartfelt, loud and defiant, or warm and funky, or even if you’re a little bit of each, it’s all these sounds, and all our differences that make the world a richer place. Because you can’t harmonize alone. – Queen Poppy

Troll World Tour is now in theaters and ON DEMAND! Download it from Amazon Prime, YouTube, AppleTV, xfinity, VUDU, Google Play and Fandango NOW.

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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