Battling this Summer Malaise

Sharing is caring!

This is the first official day of summer vacation for us. The kids have had at least 3 fights this morning, and I’m already feeling behind on work. My thought process includes trying to figure out how to keep calm, write, answer emails and oh, spend quality time with my kids this summer.  I’m tempted to place all of the items I need to do in a long to-do list, but that would just be discouraging. So what will I do? Play!

making memories in the summer

I decided to just let things be this summer. The posts will comes organically, and I can’t push creativity. My thought this summer is to do more videos that feature the fun we’ll be having every day and every week. Thanks to Instagram, I can do a quick video (with filters!) and share where we’ll be having adventures each day. I’ll also be adding full videos to my YouTube channel as well, so feel free to subscribe there and keep up with our antics.

making summer memories

Life goes way too fast sometimes, and summers go even quicker. I’ve only got 10 summers left with my oldest boy before he’s off on his own life adventure, whether it be college, trade school, or worldwide travel. Luckily, I have 15 left with my little Duchess, but that’s still a short amount of time to make memories. My goal in my role as a wife and mother is to encourage family time and adventures that we’ll talk about for years to come.

making summer memories

Don’t take this the wrong way; I will be blogging and sharing our stories all summer. But as a professional blogger (can I officially call myself that yet?), you have to learn to give yourself time to create offline. Truthfully, as a person living in this day and age, you need to give yourself a chance to live life off-line for your own well-being. So, during the summer of 2013, I’ll be doing just that and I encourage you to do the same. Go run around the local playground, hit up a new farmer’s markets or carnivals, and enjoy the weather. Be a kid again. Develop an adventure you’ll never forget.

making summer memories

What are your off-line plans for play this summer?


About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 6.24.13

    First off we are off to our nations capital – Ottawa – then it is madly packing for my daughters big trip to south america and a lot of soccer…

  2. 6.24.13

    As a homeschool mom, there have been years where I just could not have done what I do now, as far as blogging goes. It is not easy! My kids are in high school now, and don’t need my help as much, so it is my time…finally! Don’t get me wrong, I hope they live here through college if they go locally! I love them to pieces, but it is nice to be able to have those hours others have when their kids are in school 🙂

  3. 6.24.13

    I want to go camping more this year.

  4. 6.24.13

    We plan to spend lots of time at the beach and park.

  5. 6.24.13
    LisaLisa said:

    We will be doing a few extra trips and lots of time at the beach.